A trigger box for a Rohde & Shwarz Spectrum Analyser (R&S SA).
To trigger a measure on our R&S SA, we currently use a Delft module which takes around 0.13s to trigger a measurement on the R&S SA.
This trigger box uses an arduino and python code to skip out the Delft rack middle man which shortens measurement times from 0.13s to 0.07s.
The Arduino is loaded with StandardPyfrimata.ino arduino program; An example code for your python code can be found in the download files.
14/09/2024 V1.1: Fixed the lid having the inserts the wrong way round.
16/09/2024 V1.2: Fixed lid having inserts in the wrong place.
16/09/2024 V2: Arduino pins were too tall for case and the BNC didn't fit well with its grounding pin. Complete overhaul of case.
Case.ipt | 408.5KB | |
Case_V2.stl | 71.1KB | |
Lid.ipt | 386.5KB | |
Lid_V2.stl | 50.8KB | |
RINGO_Test_Code.py | 1.1KB |