Remix – Geeetech I3 Pro B/C/Aluminum Z Wobble Fix 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY
File formats: FCStd,stl
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Remix of Geeetech i3 Pro B/C/Aluminum Z Wobble Fix by starbuckbg.

If you print this, please post a picture on the 'I've made one'. Thanks!

After installing my Inductive Auto Level Sensor my prints have not been as good in the Z-axis as the Z axis moves back and forth to 'level' the bed.
I found this posting and gave it a try. I liked that it used the existing hardware. After printing I found that I had to modify it as it did not fit well with my printer, and prints were not any better. When running the Z axis up and down - I could see the X axis moving back and forth.

I used Freecad to copy this item, then modified for the following reasons;

  1. Hard to print as it has many curved edges. I wanted to be able to print flat.
  2. the screw position limited the shoulder length on the bearing support. This also limited the distance the screw could move right and left without bumping into the bearing support and moving it. So I rotated the screw position in order to let the ledge be longer, allowing greater movement for the support.
  3. I needed a thinner support, so I removed some height on the bearing support and the nut retainer part.
Z-Wobble-Fix_remix.FCStd 321.4KB
Z-Wobble-Fix_remix_meshed.stl 147.2KB
Z-Wobble-Fix_remix_v3.FCStd 479.0KB
Z-Wobble-Fix_remix_V3_meshed.stl 164.8KB