Reflective RPM Sensor Mount For Taig Mill 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: scad,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Reflective RPM Sensor Mount For Taig Mill 3D Printer Model' is (scad,stl) file type, size is 5.1KB.


This is an experimental RPM sensor mount that is meant to friction-fit behind a Taig mill's headstock without modification, and allow an optical sensor to point at the pulley and trigger on the passing of the set screw.

To date I have printed it, mounted a sensor and hand-tested with a simple power supply and LED to verify basic operation, but have not tested at speed on a running mill (and due to other obligations am unlikely to have a chance to do so in the near future).

TaigSpindleRPMSensorMount.scad 1.5KB
TaigSpindleRPMSensorMount.stl 62.8KB