This is a 3d model of my left hemisphere. A 3D SPGR 1,5 Tesla MRI scan was performed at University of Palermo. The MRI scanner is able to see through tissues and to detect differences in densities in each virtual slice of the head. Once slices are recorded, I used BrainVoyager QX (Brain Innovations, Maastricht) software to reverse the previous process and rebuild the 3d surface of the head. The software is also able to automatically distinguish brain (segmentation) from other tissues of the head in each slice and than reconstruct the “peeled” brain
the second file contains my right hemisphere coming from the same MRI scan, but this time segmented using the free software ITK-SNAP, that allows to segment also cerebellum. Moreover it has a more realistic aspect as it is designed for anatomical details, rather than for fMRI and TMS navigation
my_NEW_right_hemisphere.stl | 15.9MB | |
my_real_left_hemisphere.stl | 8.8MB |