Non-printed components:
-Arduino Uno (or a clone)
-Arduino L293D Motor Driver Shield
-HC-05 Bluetooth module
-4x N20 geared DC motors
-Battery (The battery compartment is 30mm x 60mm and about 34mm in height. I used a 2--cell 1100mAh LiPo battery.)
-1mm steel wire (1 meter should be enough)
-Printed parts:
-1x chassis_bottom.stl
-1x chassis_top.stl
-4x gear_12.stl
-70x tank_tread.stl (35 for each side)
Likely problems:
Link to download Arduino code:
Link to download the app I made to control the tank (works surprisingly well lol):
I had a lot of fun designing and programming this thing. In the end, it works really well and is surprisingly fun to drive around. Hopefully, y'all will find it fun too!
chasiss_bottom.stl | 206.0KB | |
chasiss_top.stl | 110.8KB | |
gear_12.stl | 134.8KB | |
tank_tread.stl | 77.6KB |