I have a receiver that none of my standard sized crystals seem to work in, but one of the micro crystals did, so I created this adapter to help hold it in place. Based on the specs, it should hold either a UM-1, UM-4 or UM-5 (6.9mm x 2.2mm x 6+-2mm). The standard slot is for a HC-49/U or HC-50/U (10mm x 3.8mm x 13 mm).
I have included the Inventor files for easy customization. I ended up printing a larger version as it fit in my receiver and printed better. Be careful with your temperature, the walls are pretty thin and if you're too hot or too cold you'll get holes. The photo is from the standard sized version and I had a few holes, but that's fine as it just needs to stabilize the crystal.
adapter-large.ipt | 243.0KB | |
adapter-large.stl | 1.1MB | |
adapter.ipt | 229.0KB | |
adapter.stl | 1.1MB |