Had a Raspberry Pi Module-3 camera that I wanted to use with my RPi Klipper setup. The camera uses a short FPC cable (yuck). Fortunately, there are adapters out there to convert the hookup to an HDMI adapter, allowing the use of common video cables (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XDNBM63?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)
This project creates a housing for the adapters, which come in pairs.
Box-1 is at the RPi end, and accommodates the ribbon cable, the HDMI cable, and option to plug in an audio jack. The lid is a nice press fit. It has no mounting tab, since there was no good place to mount it on my monitor setup, and I used two sided tape to mount it on top of the RPi USB ports. A mounting tab is easily added, let me know (with details) if you need it done.
Box-2 is at the camera end, and uses the camera supplied spacers to mount everything. Note that there are 2 lids for box 2: One has spacers below the mounting hole for the camera board, but is a pain as far as generating support is concerned. The other lacks the spacers, and can be easily printed flat with minimal support, but you'll need nylon spacers (2x2mm) to properly mount everything. The screws for the lid are 2 x 10mm, and engage the inserts from above. The camera mount has a 6mm (1/4") mounting hole, with the cable exiting on the left (facing the camera) but can be easily mirrored around to exit from the right. I have a GoPro adapter for it if anyone is interested....
The board mounting dimensions are right on - you can always use these mounting dimensions to create your own enclosure for the camera and/or the HDMI extension boards
STL files are best printed as shown.
Mounting hardware: screws for the RPi adapter= M2-6; screws for the back of the camera= M2-14; screws for the camera bezel= M2-10; internal spacer= M2x6 threaded nylon hex (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BXT4FG1T/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1)
Always open to suggestions......
RPi_Camera_box-2.stl | 40.9KB | |
RPi_Camera_HDMI_box-1.stl | 35.9KB | |
RPi_Camera_HDMI_box-2_Top-B.stl | 87.7KB | |
RPi_Camera_HDMI_box_-2_Top-A.stl | 25.6KB |