Raspberry Pi Camera Enclosure Pole Mount 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,gcode
Download type: zip

The file 'Raspberry Pi Camera Enclosure Pole Mount 3D Printer Model' is (stl,gcode) file type, size is 1.4MB.


I used the original for a while and remixed the arms to be longer to get a better view. However, once I got an enclosure I shifted to a pole-mounted setup. Since there were none I liked, I figured I would design one myself.

The pole-mount is two pieces designed to wrap around a ≈15mm pole. The diameter of the pole mount hole is 15.75mm.

The arms are all interchangeable, I wasn't keeping track of the order when I printed my behemoth of a mount.

The longer version of the arm type 2 is available as an STL, the longer type 1 is only in the gcode file "LotsOfArms". But as I said, it's not the end of the world if you print 10 type 2s.

I'll probably add a M3 nut hole in the pole mount like the original files, but for now it's working fine.

Equipment Needed:

  • M3 bolts
  • M3 nuts
  • PiCam

(Camera and Raspberry Pi not included)

EnclosurePolePiCamMount_v2.stl 521.3KB
Extended_Arm_2_10cm_Nut_Hole.stl 134.9KB
LotsOfArms.gcode 3.7MB
Original_-_Arm_1.stl 24.2KB
Original_-_Arm_1_Nut_Hole.stl 26.6KB
Original_-_Arm_2.stl 26.7KB
Original_-_Arm_2_Nut_Hole.stl 29.0KB
Original_-_Camera_Cover_Back.stl 30.6KB
Original_-_Camera_Cover_Front.stl 42.7KB