Raspberry Pi 5 Fan Mount (40 Mm) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: 3mf,stl,f3d
Download type: zip

The file 'Raspberry Pi 5 Fan Mount (40 Mm) 3D Printer Model' is (3mf,stl,f3d) file type, size is 409.6KB.


Fan Mount for 40mm Fan to a Raspberry Pi 5.

  • m3 screws for fan to mount

  • m2.5 screws for mount to RPI 5

The Fusion 360 file is included for anyone wanting to modify the design. Enjoy.

I used the fan mount with the Raspberry Pi 5 Wall Mount which can be found:


Raspberry_Pi_5_Fan_Mount_40mm.3mf 120.6KB
Raspberry_Pi_5_Fan_Mount_40mm.stl 1.7MB
Raspberry_Pi_Fan_Mount_40mm.f3d 139.4KB