Raspberry Pi 400 Cyberdeck Case 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Raspberry Pi 400 Cyberdeck Case 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 2.3MB.


This is a Cyberdeck / Laptop case for a Raspberry Pi 400 Computer, paired with a Magedok 9" HDMI / Touch monitor, 1280x720 Resolution.

With some minor mods, you could use an RPi keyboard and mount the RPi-4 to the back of the display, but those weren't available when I designed this.

You'll need some additional hardware. You need (4) M2.5x0.45mm, (8) M3x0.5, and (2) M5x0.8mm heat-set inserts. You'll also need (4) M2.5-0.45mmx4mm SHCS, (6) M3x0.5mmx4mm BHCS, (2) M3x0.5x20mmSHCS, and (2) M5x0.8x8mm SHCS

RPi-Covers_-_display-bexel.stl 1.2MB
RPi-Covers_-_display-frame.stl 647.2KB
RPi-Covers_-_nut.stl 212.9KB
RPi-Covers_-_RPi-case-adapter.stl 395.2KB
RPi-Covers_-_RPi-case-base.stl 129.9KB
RPi-Covers_-_RPi-kybd-slip.stl 2.9MB
RPi-Covers_-_RPi-left-bolt.stl 386.1KB
RPi-Covers_-_RPi-nut.stl 212.9KB
RPi-Covers_-_RPi-right-bolt.stl 352.2KB