Rainbowduino Word Clock 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,pdf,scad,zip
Download type: zip

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This word clock is based on the NeoMatrix 8x8 Word Clock by Andy Doro from https://learn.adafruit.com/neomatrix-8x8-word-clock.

Not having access to a laser cutter to cut the faceplate and case I adapted the design so it could be 3D printed. After building a couple of clocks for friends and family I came to the conclusion that I needed to decrease my parts cost so I adapted the design to use a Rainbowduino and a 8x8 RGB matrix display. This reduced my cost by almost half.

back.stl 850.8KB
buttons.stl 287.4KB
diffusers.stl 113.0KB
face.stl 1.7MB
Rainbowduino_Word_Clock.pdf 1.8MB
WordClock.scad 5.4KB
WordClock_Rainbow.zip 3.5KB