The file 'Railway Station Roof / Marquesina De Estación De Tren H0 (Valladolid Campo Grande) 3D Printer Model' is (fcstd,stl) file type, size is 3.2 MB.
Is the front of the roof of the Valladolid Campo Grande railway station, modelled as a request (I am from Madrid).
Es el frontal de la marquesina de la estación Valladolid Campo Grande, modelada como petición (soy de Madrid).
It doesn't include columns for the moment or inner structure elements, only the front part.
Por el momento no incluye columnas o elementos estructurales internos, sólo la parte frontal.
It prints well in FDM printers.
Imprime bien en impresoras FDM.
The file is not 100% accurate. If you want the exact H0 scale, scale the STL files to 0.97.
El fichero no es 100% preciso. Si quieres la escala H0 exacta, escala los archivos STL a 0.97.
GPL means that if you distribute the object, you have to share how you manufactured the object.
GPL significa que si distribuyes el objeto, debes compartir cómo lo manufacturaste.
Marquesina_12_compartir.FCStd |
Marquesina_12_MdC_1.stl |
Marquesina_12_MdC_2.stl |
Marquesina_12_VdB_1.stl |
Marquesina_12_VdB_2.stl |