This is a stylised clump of quartz crystals. Real quartz crystals don't grow in quite this way, but it looked prettier...
It's crying out to be hollowed and filled with LEDs - or lit from below with a torch. Or, it could hold postcards/photos, go on the top of Christmas tree, annoy the cat, or a hundred and one other uses.
I've included the OpenSCAD script to allow you to create your own - you can change the crystal facets, do proper twinning (Brazil, Japan...), scale, rotate, mirror, translate, duplicate to your heart's content.
There's also an STL for a single crystal of quartz (commented out in the OpenSCAD file) which is scaled by x15.
For information on quartz crystals see and
Quartz.stl | 42.4KB | |
Quartz_crystal_clump.scad | 6.5KB | |
Quartz_crystal_clump.stl | 432.0KB |