12/8/2017: After all the interest this quad generates over the years.. You'd think SOMEBODY would at least tip a buck for it! The original quad is long gone! It fell to its final demise some years ago into Chevy Dealership. Luckily it crashed between two cars and nobody was hit. But it crashed so hard that it scattered itself like a grenade. The crash was attributed to flying over too strong of a WiFi signal. One second everything was fine, the next we were a uncontrolled falling object.
10/1/2014 : What you are looking at is the original prototype. This started as a printing exercise about a year ago. It was a mixture of MikeyB's Crossfire and some tweaked bits to fit the hardware I had.
This actual quad still exists. (At least most of the hardware does.) Its probably been wiped out, redesigned and reprinted about 20 times. Its still green & white, but now it has a completely different shape with an FPV system installed.
Look here for the current version : http://www.leftcoast.biz/iWeb/Left_Coast/Quadcopters.html
Why build a quad? Here's a video teaser we made with them : http://vimeo.com/108092499
antennaMount.skp | 55.7KB | |
antennaMount.stl | 36.8KB | |
Arm_3.0.stl | 694.1KB | |
arm_III.stl | 192.6KB | |
bottom_II.skp | 305.7KB | |
bottom_II.stl | 212.4KB | |
crossfire_II.skp | 2.9MB | |
topII.skp | 450.9KB | |
topII.stl | 368.6KB |