The file 'Quad DT750 Motor Mount V.1 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 65.3KB.
This is the first version of motor mount dedicated for hexTronik DT750 motor to be mounted on 12 mm square tube. In fact this is for replacement for Hobbyking X580 Glass Fiber Quadrocopter kit. Replacement arms are not exactly 12 mm. Measurement shows about 13.13 mm per side. So, I made inner square 13.2 mm. I decided to mount motor lower than on top of arm. I printed one part in horizontal orientation as supposed to be for durability and little bit disappoined due to ABS deformatiins. I have to think about version 2 of it.
Quad_DT750_motor_mount.stl | 794.7KB |