This is another attempt to upgrade on the cheap the QU-BD. In this, a remix of my first attempt and/or adaptation of and to use most of the electronics and hardware from the QU-BD 1/2Up. The extra hardware are some nuts and bolts #6 from my local hardware store, and an anUbis or E3D v6 Bowden, this keeps the inversion to minimum and you don't need to order online any other M2, 3, 4 or 5 screws, which are very hard and expensive. The rest of the parts can be printed in the QU-BD.
All the files have been coded by me from scratch in OpenScad using the original images as reference. Eventually I'll post everything so anyone can use the files as they want.
----------------------------- PART LIST -----------------------------
1) from any local hardware store (~$2):
----------------------- TEST AND UPDATES ----------------------
1) All parts printed with minor issues, not support needed.
2) First try, to see how to put everything together and check weaknesses in the design: 1rst Test:
3) 2nd Test: (01/14/16) - check the belts
4) 3rd Test: (01/14/16) - test the End-Stops
The y_base_end, x_axis_end, printer_head, and printer_head_support are fixed. The rest looks fine, for now.
The x and y axis endstop are working great, but the z axis endstop has to be added to the design, for now it is attached with glue.
5) 1rst Running Test: SUCCESS!!! It's Alive!!!
I know that I have to do some fixes here and there but in general overall is working great, you can see the videos here:
6) This baby is running like a chram, I got 165mm x 165mm x 160mm. It's amazing the quality, and I'm getting more than 90% of success in the prints.
------------------------- UPDATES ----------------------------
12/28/15 - Fixed: (1) z_motor_base, (2) x_motor_base. Added: (1) printer_head_support, (2) test_base, (3) base_short, (4) z_top_bowden_extruder_base.
(5) idler.
01/17/16 - Fixed: (1) x_axis_end, (2) y_base_end, (3) yz_carriage
01/17/16 - New: (1) printer_head_ubis and printer_head_ubis_support to use the original QU-BD One/Two-Up anUbis hotend in bowden configuration.
02/06/16 - New: Bowden base.
-------------------------- PARTS TO FIX ----------------------
1) Z-Axis end stop.
2) z_top_bowden_extruder_base - make it a handle to carry the printer
-------------------------- PENDING ----------------------------
1) Improve the base.
2) Add a power switch to the psu.
3) Make one version of the yz_carriage, x_motor_base to use LM8UU (24mm) bearings.
AO.stl | 37.0MB | |
base_short.stl | 334.5KB | |
bowden_base_coupling.stl | 499.6KB | |
bowden_base_top.stl | 192.7KB | |
bowden_extruder_arm_V2.0.stl | 716.0KB | |
fan_support.stl | 336.0KB | |
idler_bottom_4.stl | 116.6KB | |
idler_top_4.stl | 117.2KB | |
printer_head_jhead.stl | 739.7KB | |
printer_head_jhead_support.stl | 303.0KB | |
printer_head_PTF_support.stl | 278.0KB | |
printer_head_ubis.stl | 1.2MB | |
printer_head_ubis_PTF_support.stl | 402.3KB | |
printer_head_ubis_support.stl | 505.9KB | |
x_axis_end_2.stl | 1.2MB | |
x_motor_base.stl | 1.2MB | |
yz_carriage.stl | 2.4MB | |
y_base_end.stl | 1.1MB | |
z_endstop_base.stl | 418.1KB | |
z_motor_base.stl | 1.2MB | |
z_rod_base_2.stl | 313.7KB | |
z_top_bowden_extruder_base.stl | 517.8KB | |
z_top_bowden_extruder_base_QUBD.stl | 808.7KB |