If the original Pylontech-Brackets are used to stack battery modules, all the buttons and cables are freely accessible.
So, I printed these holders to fit a 4mm Acryl-Glas in Front of the battery-stacks - Not to protect my child from the 48V, but to protect all buttons and dip-switches from the child :P
Top-Version is unifit, bottom Version needs to be printed mirrored one time.
Both thingies are using the original Pylontech-Screws that are used for the topmost and bottommost security clips - which are not required in the stack.
The Window is about 3 cm in Front of the batteries, so works best with 90° Ethernet-cabling.
PylontechPlexiHalterOben.stl | 23.5KB | |
PylontechPlexiHalterUnten.stl | 27.4KB |