PXL2000 Tripod Mount Adapter 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl,3mf
Download type: zip

The file 'PXL2000 Tripod Mount Adapter 3D Printer Model' is (stl,3mf) file type, size is 39.4KB.


Version 1.00, designed in ROBLOX STUDIO (exported as .OBJ).

Since I couldn't find one here or on Thingiverse, I have decided to make a 3D printed tripod adapter for the ill-fated Fisher-Price PXL2000 cassette camcorder. 

Yes, I am aware that Fisher-Price did make official tripod adapters, but to my knowledge, they were mail-in orders and any that may exist are now rare. This is meant to be an accessible way to allow enthusiasts to use the camera without having to fiddle with the tripod situation.

It's recommended that you print the .3mf file instead of the separate .stl files, as the .3mf has the models pre-configured to ensure the print works well for you.

Picture depicts an earlier build of the print, and does not fully represent the end result of the instructions in terms of appearance.

It's best to print this model using PETG or ABS to achieve greater strength and avoid potential damage from use. Avoid abrupt maneuvers with the tripod and make sure the nut at the bottom isn't going anywhere.


  • One ¼-in nut
  • Two #8-32 x ½ in screws (this can be found at Lowe's in a combo pack of 10 under the “Machine” green label, Model No.: 491288)
  • two #8-32 wing nuts (this can be found at Lowe's in a pack of 3 under the “Nuts” dark red label., Model No. 490668)
  • Strong adhesive (J-B Weld's SuperWeld works the best)


  1. First, you'll want to apply your adhesive, and drop in your ¼ -in nut into the tripod hole located underneath the left halve of the adapter. If it doesn't fit completely, hold a lighter under the hole for 3 to 5 seconds to soften the plastic, and then press the nut to shove it in. This ensures a tight fit.
  2. Next you'll want to screw in your two #8-32 x ½ in screws into the left halve of the adapter. This halve has smaller screw holes, so the screws will be a tight fit, which is what you'll want for the wing nuts to screw on properly. Gluing the screws into place can also help keep them in place.
  3. Once the adhesive is set and cured, slide the left halve onto the bottom part of the PXL2000 handle. Then slide on the right halve, making sure the screws from the left halve slot through the wider holes of the right.
  4. Finally, you'll want to tighten the two wing nuts onto the screws once the two halves meet. This will hold the adapter in place while in use.


If something doesn't fit, try reprinting at a larger scale (try increments of 2%) or sand/melt the plastic if it's wide enough.

Please leave a comment on any issues

If you do decide to repost or distribute (including sell) this model/prints of said model, please credit me!

left.stl 127.5KB
PXL2000-adapter-mount.3mf 33.7KB
right.stl 93.7KB