This is a easy printable puzzle designed for child from 4 to 8 years old, for a demonstration of 3d printing. The goal was showing the capabilities of the 3d printing in something that kids could enjoy. I made a "cookie cutter" with the frame of the puzzle using SolidWorks 2018, in order to cut it from the remixed models using Microsoft 3d Builder. The three models (the starfish, the fish and the turtle) were modified for a better cut. If the parts does not fit well (very loose or tight) try to change the flow configuration (over-extruding or sub-extruding it). All the models are suited for a 30 to 45 minutes printing with a regular speed of 45 mm/seg.
This was remixed from these models:
Starfish by ikumajp,
Fish by BridgerThreeD and
Sea Turtle by robotobo.