I was in search for a cool project to do with Arduino Microcontroller and I came across this little robot Otto+ .
Although there is detailed information on how to build one in the above link I found it quite confusing with the variety of the files versions and decided to bring here a clear version that works for me with some modification I made and include:
1 pcs Arduino nano
1 pcs Arduino nano shield
1 pcs Led Matrix
1 pcs Mini USB charger or this for Micro USB
1 pcs Set of Jumper wires
1 pcs On/off switch
1 pcs HC-06 Bluetooth Module
1 pcs 20Awg Silicon wire
4 pcs MG90 metal servo
1 pcs Buzzer
3D printer to print your parts, I use:Tevo Tornado
3D printer filament, I use ABS from: HATCHBOX
Highly recommended: Soldering station
Download 3D files and print them
Follow Fritzing wiring scheme from fritzing file or PDF
Download Arduino IDE and install it
Download OttoDIYAPP_121.zip Extract the zip and install the APK file in your Android phone
Upload the Libraries from the zip to Arduino IDE - Don't know how? Follow this
Open OttoDIYAPP_121.ino with Arduino IDE search for the line Serial.begin(19200); and change it to the baud rate on your HC-06 Bluetooth module! If you didnt touch it from factory the default is 9600. So change it from 19200 to 9600. It should look now Serial.begin(9600). compile and upload it to your Arduino
Now enable your mobile Bluetooth and search for HC-06, pair it!
Open the App in your mobile and press "Find Otto+" on the blue bar, search for your HC-06 and connect Enjoy (:
Body_with_matrix.stl | 616.0KB | |
Head_with_matrix.stl | 608.3KB | |
Mouth_transparent.stl | 684.0B | |
OttoDIY+_Feet.stl | 114.7KB | |
OttoDIY+_Legs.stl | 164.5KB | |
PunkOTTO+.fzz | 327.9KB | |
PunkOTTO+_wiring.pdf | 1.3MB | |
Punk_hair.stl | 3.1MB |