PSU Vertical Holder 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file 'PSU Vertical Holder 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 51.8KB.


Power Supply Holder

This holder is designed to hold a psu (power supply) to the back of a wall or to mount to furnitures or a piece of wood (see picture).

  • The bottom holder fixes the psu vertical in place and enables quick exchange or access to the unit.
  • The optional clamp will secure the psu vertical mounting.
  • For long term usage there is an optional top cover - without unscrewing this cover from the surface the psu can't be moved out or changed.

Supported supplies

Works with power supplies with the dimension (120mm width + 50mm height and any lenght). Example is a Nunus 24V, 17A, 400W PSU for 3d printers.

Supply size (cut off)

The cutout are made 121mm width and 52mm height [PSU SIZE] so there is a little gap for easier insert of the psu.


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psu_holder_bottom.stl 85.1KB
psu_holder_clamp_45mm_height.stl 100.2KB
psu_holder_top_cover.stl 113.7KB