PS2 USB-C Power Supply Box 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-SA
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PS2 USB-C power supply box

This is a tiny box for a USB-C power supply for your PS2. It uses a USB-C power supply capable of 15V or 20V (and at least 3A/2.5A). Power requirements vary with the model and usage (ie. DVD reader uses a lot of power).
Configure the power supply to 8.5V by adjusting the variable resistor.

The buck converter is an XL4015 device that can be found at aliexpress:

The USB-C trigger can also be found at aliexpress:

The PS2 power barrel adapter is 4.8mm x 1.7mm, can also be easily found at aliexpress:

Use a bit of glue to install the USB-C device, then add the converter module and solder the connections, and finally glue it all down.

box-PSU-USB-PS2-Body.stl 69.5KB
box-PSU-USB-PS2-Cover.stl 12.4KB