This is a rework of an old Arduino project.
Basically it's a set of pieces that works as a stand for a protoboard and some components that i've used to made a Tetris Machine.
In the pictures i´m using my DIY Controller but you can build your own using a PS2-like joystick and 3 buttons
Included the .ino file. It uses the Fastled, LedControl and Adafruit_TicoServo libraries (downloadable from the library manager of the IDE)
Component list:
PINOUT for the Arduino:
Important Tip: Don't feed the RGB Matrix trough the Arduino, the two matrix together can consume more than 1Amp and you the Arduino can't manage such high currents.
There's two versions for the Matrix diffusor in one or two pieces. If you can manage filament changes i recommend print the 'matrix_cover_with_diffusor.stl' and change from white to a dark color fillament when starting to print the grid. The white panel has a 0.6mm thickness. You can also print the white panel and the grid separated then stick them with glue or tape but works better when printed in one piece.
See below for some useful pics and more instructions/tips.
See in action (an earlier prototype) in this video: https://youtu.be/qHTFjGCErSI
Enjoy this nice weekend projet and have fun!!
7led_cover.stl | 296.9KB | |
ardu_tetris.ino | 13.5KB | |
dial_next.stl | 333.5KB | |
frame_top.stl | 93.2KB | |
full_base.stl | 1.1MB | |
matrix_cover_with_diffusor.stl | 328.1KB | |
matrix_diffusor.stl | 1.8KB | |
matrix_grid.stl | 375.5KB | |
next.stl | 287.2KB | |
proto_tetris_thingiverse.123dx | 179.3KB |