My take on the print-in-place SD card case.
Includes printed springs to keep the SD card from falling out. And a nice strong latch.
Update 4/14/2023
I'm seeing lots of complaints about the micro SD "bump" being too tight, but it's not a bump it's a "spring".
However, I think the problem people might be running into is that the spring is getting fused by bridges or supports. Some people may need to use a small pick or micro screwdriver to break the spring loose so it can move (one long spring runs along each column of micro slots, two micro SD springs total). Or print without supports.
Please see the new cross-section images I've uploaded for clarification. The spring hardly engages the card and it has a lot of extra room to bend so it shouldn't be jamming the card as long as it's moving freely. | 15.3MB | |
SD_Box_Loose_Latch.STL | 227.5MB | |
SD_Box_More_big_cards.STL | 227.4MB | |
SD_Box_Tight_Latch.STL | 227.3MB |