The file 'Princess Bed (3d Printable) 3D Printer Model' is (stl,scad) file type, size is 397.49 KB.
The original Thing was made for a laser cutter and since I don't have one I generated three things that can be printed without support and glued together. You are of course encouraged to cut out whatever letter you want from the center of the head board (I used a "V").
V2 now includes the engravings on the Head board, Foot board and Side boards as well as the OpenSCAD source files. Now it works with the Customizer since I combined all the OpenSCAD source files into one.
BottomBoard.stl |
FootBoard.stl |
HeadBoard.stl |
PrincessBedV2-BOTTOM.stl |
PrincessBedV2-PrintPlate-V.stl |
PrincessBedV2-TOP-Foot.stl |
PrincessBedV2-TOP-Head-V.stl |
PrincessBedV2-TOP-Head.stl |
PrincessBedV2.scad |
PrincessBedV2.stl |
SideBoard.stl |
V.stl |