Pot For Indoor Herbs 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: obj,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Pot For Indoor Herbs 3D Printer Model' is (obj,stl) file type, size is 10.4MB.


This is a vase for indoor plants with a square profile, ideal for adding tags to the vase itself.

It comes with included saucer and plant guide/helper for all plants that try to grow a bit too wide.

A complete vase is made of 3 components, each can be printed without supports separetly.

Basil_Vase.obj 193.5KB
Basil_Vase.stl 4.3MB
Plant_helper.obj 460.3KB
Plant_helper_1.stl 12.0MB
Saucer_1.obj 164.1KB
Saucer_1.stl 3.4MB
Void_Vase.obj 145.7KB
Void_Vase.stl 4.0MB