The file 'Poltur Extruder Carriage 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 70.2KB.
Design primarily for use with my Poltur Printer design, it will however work with Prusa i3 based printers also.
designed to allow the quick easy install of a remote fed e3d extruder or direct fed Mk8/Mk7extruder setup as shown.
The mk8/mk7 setup will require:-
1x Mk8 extruder block-
1x Stepper motor bracket-
4x M2.5x10mm bolts
4x M2.5 square nuts
4x 2mmx150mm zip ties
For e3d setup:-
4x M2.5x10mm bolts
4x M2.5 square nuts
4x 2mmx150mm zip ties
The square nuts are inserted through the top of the slots on the carriage and the mounts for chosen extruder are bolted into them, while loose they are free moving which allows the extruder mount to be moved up and down in the carriage vertical slots and set at variable height, while the horizontal slots in the e3d and Mk8 bracket allow for adjustment across the vertical.
This aids in limiting calibration adjustment required across the printers Axis's when a new extruder is mounted, it also makes it possible to retain the same home position & Z-axis height point for either type of extruder.
Poltur_Adjustable_height_extruder_carriage.stl | 183.3KB | |
Poltur_e3d_mount.stl | 134.7KB |