Pokemon Magnamite 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Pokemon Magnamite 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 133.8KB.


HI mortals, here it is THE MAGNAMITE :)
suggestions : i made a two pieces body, so will be easier to print with no support or raft AND for the main body i used filament change (at 90% height) to draw the black line of the eye and once more to make the white part of the eye.
screws and magnets are perfect fit, so if you have problems with printer calibration i suggest to scale them down to a 98% just to be sure they fit... so....

Have fun :)

body.stl 109.3KB
body_back.stl 15.7KB
magnet.stl 7.7KB
pedestal.stl 26.3KB
screw1.stl 105.7KB
screw2.stl 105.7KB