Pink Gordo And Honey Gordo From Slime Rancher! 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: f3d,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Pink Gordo And Honey Gordo From Slime Rancher! 3D Printer Model' is (f3d,stl) file type, size is 1.3MB.


Was bored and noticed that good-quality Gordo Slime models were absent on Thingiverse! I have made a Honey Gordo and a basic Pink Gordo in Fusion 360 and have included the Pink Gordo f3d file for people to edit further if they want.

Their scale pairs quite nicely with the default sizes of ChaosCoreTech's regular slime models - the picture attached is sized at 87% of default size just to save on material and because I didn't want mine super big.

Hope people like it!

(A link to ChaosCoreTech's fantastic slime models as well):

HoneyGordo_Fusion.f3d 305.6KB
Honey_Gordo.stl 1.1MB
PinkGordo_Fusion.f3d 298.1KB
Pink_Gordo.stl 1.1MB