The file 'Pikachu Pokemon Dice – D6 Heads Or Tails 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 51.55 KB.
This is a six sided die with a Pikachu face on three sides and a Pikachu tail on the other three. For use in the Pokemon trading card game whenever a heads or tails call is needed.
My son wanted to learn the Pokemon card game, so for his 7th birthday we went to the local game store for Pokemon league to learn how to play. We had the plastic coin used for all of the heads or tails calls needed in the game, but absolutely no one else was using a coin. They were all using a standard d6, evens were heads and odds were tails. This just would not do.
pikachu_pokemon_dice_-_d6_heads_or_tails.stl |