Yet again some project around the house has prompted a 3d Printed solution.
Needed a slide bolt to fix a swinging gate style garage door. I had a perfect piece of plastic to make the rod (rectangle 20mm x 25mm). But, didn't have any of the other hardware to make a complete slide bolt. Also, didn't feel like spending an money at the home goodies outlet giant. So, here are some pieces to complete the slide bolt.
There is a guide piece that can be printed as many times as necessary to create a useful sliding path. Also, this is used as the top of the door frame latch catch.
The end piece is just a piece to keep the bolt from hitting the ground since I have this one mounted vertically.
There is a 2 part track and slider to be used to hold the bolt in its locked position or moved out of the way to allow the bolt to hit the lower stop and be in its unlocked position.
I know this description doesn't do it justice. Sorry. But I'm sure that there are a couple of people who know exactly what this is. To those, I hope it helps.
28SlideGuide_1_1e_guide.stl | 237.5KB | |
28SlideGuide_1_1e_slide.stl | 112.6KB | |
28SlideGuide_1_1e_slider.stl | 44.1KB | |
28SlideGuide_1_1f1.skp | 160.7KB | |
ss-28SlideGuide_1_1e_stop.stl | 182.4KB |