23.2. 2022 - added bottom v3 - hole for XT60
1.5. 2021 - added V2
Print the top and bottom for the charger.
For a separate stand, just print the top-stand
1x 4port and 1x 2port charger board - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32983839710.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dwdjNL1
8x M3x4
6x M3x6-8 socket head
USB cables
bottom.stl | 363.6KB | |
bottom_v2.stl | 373.7KB | |
bottom_v3.stl | 386.8KB | |
top.stl | 78.0KB | |
top_-_stand.stl | 15.3KB | |
top_v2.stl | 148.3KB |