I have always wanted a Philco Predicta TV set. i decided to make an HDTV version.
this is the 15" version.
full instructable here http://www.instructables.com/id/philo-15-retro-1950s-HDTV/
I made a 7" version as well http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:662275
back_bottom_center_ver_4.stl | 23.8KB | |
back_bottom_left_ver_4.stl | 47.7KB | |
back_bottom_right_ver_4.stl | 49.5KB | |
back_case_full_ver_4.stl | 129.0KB | |
back_top_center_ver_4.stl | 21.1KB | |
back_top_sides_ver_4_plated.stl | 32.0KB | |
crt_back.stl | 10.4KB | |
front_bottom_center_ver_4.stl | 4.6KB | |
front_bottom_left_ver_4.stl | 7.3KB | |
front_bottom_right_ver_4.stl | 7.1KB | |
front_case_full_ver_4.stl | 24.1KB | |
front_full.stl | 24.1KB | |
front_top_center_ver_4.stl | 4.6KB | |
front_top_left_ver_4.stl | 6.7KB | |
front_top_right_ver_4.stl | 6.5KB | |
front_top_right_ver_4a.stl | 6.5KB | |
knobs.stl | 330.6KB | |
knob_vol_ring.stl | 204.0KB | |
philo_bracket_knots.stl | 60.1KB | |
philo_volume_channel.stl | 250.4KB | |
philo_volume_channel_pushbuttons.stl | 53.1KB |