I have done a cool mask for this halloween inspired from many classic films but with a personal touch. It is not an horror mask but i will give you the creeps when you see it.
The print is made from three parts ( two half of the mask and the goggles). All you need for this mask to be ready are some elastic bands,some plexiglass and some glue.
In order to create a character i wanted to add more details about it, to know his backside story, to know what type of gun does it use or what kind of helmet dose it wears. So for that i added to this costume The Phantom Shot Gun and it is in progress an helmet (so stay tune for updates). The gun can be printed from different materials (bronze fill is a nice idea fore some parts) and in order to assemble all the parts you need some glue.If you want to go further an epoxy cast it is also an option.
I have been able to print the first piece of the mask and now i am post processing the part.
I hope you will enjoy this design.
Thank you.
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