Peace In The Chaos – Coin 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-ND
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Peace In The Chaos – Coin 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 591.0KB.


Has it ever happened to you that life seems like nothing more than a vortex of chaos, and you find yourself struggling to just accept this? Well, I'm right there with you. Sometimes you need to stand up and fight the currents, but sometimes you need to just accept the way things are. And that can be the hardest part.

So to remind myself, I made a coin that embodies this feeling. I'm not saying it will help every time, or even most times - but if it can help even once, then it's well worth a few inches of filament.

So take this coin, make a fridge magnet out of it, keep it on your desk, or wherever you might want it. May it help you to know when to just accept the way things are, and when to fight it. And may it inspire you to find the strength to do both.

Zentropy.stl 2.2MB