Pavezo Electric Lunchbox Hot Pot Latch 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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My wife has one of these she uses nearly every day at the office, but the latches keep breaking. So I designed and printed replacement latches. I figured she isn't the only one that could use replacements for these parts so here it is. I print these with a 1.6mm wall (3 lines) and 40% cubic infill. It's a 35 minute print so it won't take all day to get replacements when you need them. She's been using one of the replacement latches for 3 months now with no problem, I just printed a second for her yesterday. Supports are recommended for the pegs, but honestly I forgot to add them for the one I printed yesterday and it printed fine.

HotPotLatch.stl 180.7KB