I'm going to build a Rietveld Steltman chair and found a link with a good description with the original dimensions (link: see below). Don't print this model, it is not intended for it (however, you can easily change it).
In the original they use 44mm thick wood, but I have spare wood of 25mm thickness. I wanted to fiddle around with dimensions and see how it looks like, before building it all. So I created a parametric openscad version of the chair. Provide total width, total height, seating height and the dimensions of the seat and the script renders and prints out the dimensions of all parts.
Oh yeah. I'm going to use biscuits (sort of dowel) to join the parts. If you want to make mortise and tenon joints like in the original, read the link below and some parts should be a bit longer.
Link to description and dimensions:
My version has the following settings:
THICKNESS = 25; // thickness of the material 44
WIDTH = 85; // width of most wood parts 100
HEIGHT = 690; // total chair height, default 700
F_LENGTH = 400; // seating height 400
H_WIDTH = 300; // seat 356
H_LENGTH = 337; // depth 400
resulting in:
ECHO: "A", 44, 100, 600
ECHO: "B", 44, 100, 344
ECHO: "C", 44, 100, 456
ECHO: "D", 44, 100, 556
ECHO: "E", 44, 100, 400
ECHO: "F", 44, 100, 400
ECHO: "G", 44, 100, 256
ECHO: "H", 44, 356, 400
steltman_chair.scad | 2.1KB | |
steltman_chair.stl | 13.9KB |