The original had tolerences that were too loose when printed on my Thing-O-Matic, so I started re-writing the frame in OpenSCAD. This fits together perfectly on my printer and works great. It all snaps together nice and tight and turns smoothly - all plastic no screws! I also added a hand crank to make it easier to turn. This makes an awesome demo object!
Here's a video of it in action:
27to1.scad | 2.2KB | |
bottom_holder.stl | 21.2KB | |
brace.stl | 20.8KB | |
crank.stl | 5.5KB | |
gear4.stl | 175.0KB | |
gear4top.stl | 50.7KB | |
gears.stl | 1.9MB | |
top_holder.stl | 24.7KB |