Paperclip/Bookmark – Large 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: 3mf,obj,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Paperclip/Bookmark – Large 3D Printer Model' is (3mf,obj,stl) file type, size is 63.4KB.


A large rounded paperclip. Handy as a bookmark. Quick to print, low material cost.

I highly suggest PETG as it will last the longest. ABS and ASA work excellently for it's purpose as well. They have a fairly strong hold and can clip together a good few sheets of paper.

Of course, PLA is outright compostable as well as being fully biodegradable. And it is inexpensive enough to simply print more. But they do not last all that long printed with PLA, even though they do perform their function perfectly fine so long as they last.

Paperclip_Bookmark_Round_v1.3mf 54.1KB
Paperclip_Bookmark_Round_v2.obj 27.6KB
Paperclip_Bookmark_Round_v2.stl 25.1KB