Overpowered Cooltube Board Case Holder Mount (SKR, Ramps, MKS Gen 1.4,…) With Octopi-Touch Holder 3D Printer Model

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The file 'Overpowered Cooltube Board Case Holder Mount (SKR, Ramps, MKS Gen 1.4,…) With Octopi-Touch Holder 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 349.7KB.


Short Version/Features:

  • silent and cool - no noisy mini fans!
  • effective airflow - 29°C/84,2°F outside, 20°C/68°F inside
  • Mosfet is directly mounted to the fan grill - kept cool and the blue leeds shines throught
  • Boardmount for MKS Gen/RAMPS 1.4 and a "universal" one for all other boards
  • Opening for USB port - because you'll need it for Octoprint-Touch (and put that ugly LCD oldschool thing in the trash ;) power up google translate and hit https://plastikjunkies.de/touchscreen-fuer-octoprint-raspberry-pi/
  • Included holder for Raspberry Pi and 3.5" HDMI Screen (https://amzn.to/2xXUTe6) with touchfunction running Octopi/TouchUI (https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/touchui/)
  • overpowered - nothing will bring it to its knees!

What other users say
"I hate screws! Overpowered Cooltube revives the modeling feeling of glue back to life! Thanks Overpowered Cooltube!"

"WTF - Parts attached outside? Although I have nothing to hide, but I always want my stuff cold, stylish and packed in a box! Thank you Overpowered Cooltube! My next child carries your name!"

"Wait a minute ... this has nothing to do with growing Weed? Anyway, I like it and would use it if I ever own a 3D Printer Board ... or a 3d Printer"

"I like the cooltube, even if I print it for the 8th time. And I thought our street was safe from thieves. Thank you Overpowered Cooltube, thanks to you I have more visitors again!"

see it here live => https://youtu.be/m9IUKOaim-E


  • Added RAMPS 1.4 support (mount + USB hole) (07.05.18)
  • Added universal board support - use "BASE_UNIVERSAL_MOUNT" together with "SCREWHOLES" to customize mount for your custom board, if it is not a RAMPS oder MK. (07.05.18)
  • Modified the TOP.stl, so that some space remains if the combination of parts was not so accurate - it still should fit tight. (08.05.18)
  • For all the Anet A8 User out there (like I was), I've added a smaller Version, just use the "SMALL_XXXX.stl", they have 204mm max. Please let me know if there are any issues/something does not fit! (08.05.18)
  • Fixed "LEFT_RAMPS_1_4.stl" (24.05.18)
  • Added "SMALL_LEFT_RAMPS_1_4.stl" (24.05.18)
  • Added a Holder for Raspberry Pi with 3.5" HDMI (Touch) running Octoprint (29.12.20)

I switched my CR-10 to a MKS Gen 1.4 Board and the supersilent TMC2208 stepperdrivers (which are in contrast to the tmc2100 really useful and recommended!), but I needed a (overpowered) case since it is really getting hot in my penthouse and I have to keep the TMC cool and frosty + it should be silent (like the CR-10 is now after the MOD).
I used a 120mm (Noctua) on the front, and a silent 80 mm fan on the back and top (~17 dba) because lager fans are quieter than small noisy ones. The parts are glued with industrial glue because I was too lazy for drilling and this also seals the parts better together (remix anyone?), the lid lies open and sits tight thanks to its weight. The stock Mosfet by creality has been mounted directly on the fan grill and delivers a stylish blue which shines through the vents. There are also side fixing parts, which can be used to reinforce the walls (I printed six of them).
Why no mount for the reprap displays? Because they are ugly and would ruin the design :D
Fun aside, in times of octoprint and affordable HDMI touch TFTs (in combination with a Raspberry Pi) I personally need nothing else

If mounts for other boards are needed, just let me know in the comments :)


  • Industrial glue,
  • 2 x 80 mm fan (Noctua NF-R8 Redux 1800 recommended, ~ 17 DBA)
  • 1 x 120mm fan (Noctua NF-S12A FLX recommended, ~ 17 DBA)
  • 4 x screws for the board-mount


  1. For MKS GEN 1.4 boards, print BASE_MKS_GEN_1_4.stl and LEFT_MKS_GEN_1.4.stl
    For RAMPS 1.4 boards, print BASE_RAMPS_1_4.stl and LEFT_RAMPS_1_4.stl
    For any other boards print BASE_UNIVERSAL_MOUNT.stl and BASE_UNIVERSAL_MOUNT_SCREWHOLES.stl and place the holes as you need
    Update: If your printer (like the Anet A8) can not handle the size of this massive case, use the "SMALER_XXXX.stl" (204mm max size)
  2. Print FRONT.stl, RIGHT.stl, TOP.stl, BACK.stl and MOSFET_HOLDER.stl
  3. (optional) Print "FIXER.STL", number at will
  4. Attach the fans to FRONT, BACK and TOP
  5. Combine all parts except TOP.stl
  6. Mount your board, do the cable-work...
  7. Admire your overpowered cooltube

For the ultimate, up-to-date, HDMI with touch solution (you will love it)

  1. Buy a Raspberry Pi 3, with a Micro SD Card, Micro USB Power Supply and recommended, a LAN cable (alternatively it is also on the onboard WLAN)
  2. Buy a 3.5 "HDMI Touch TFT (eg https://amzn.to/2xXUTe6)
  3. Download Octopi https://octoprint.org/download/ and write to Micro SD Card - put it into the Raspberry Pi and start/configure
  4. Install Touch UI https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/touchui/
  6. Just stick the Pi3 into the pins - done! You will never miss that big and ugly old LCD printer screen!

Final words:
I know this model can be improved even further, the power supply can also be installed inside because there is enough space (the lid only needs to be modified a bit), but I recommend leaving it outside. On an ugly reprap display I also deliberately omitted, since I use octoprint touch (with a osoyoo / kedei 3.5 "HDMI touch TFT https://amzn.to/2IivrUA).
In addition, any other board can be installed, only the holes need to be adjusted


BACK.stl 153.0KB
BASE_MKS_GEN_1_4.stl 74.9KB
BASE_RAMPS_1_4.stl 47.5KB
FIXER.stl 1.1KB
FRONT.stl 119.2KB
LEFT_MKS_GEN_1_4.stl 40.3KB
LEFT_RAMPS_1_4.stl 40.3KB
RIGHT.stl 39.3KB
SMALL_TOP.stl 138.2KB
TOP.stl 133.2KB