Ornament Customizable Lithopane! 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,scad
Download type: zip

The file 'Ornament Customizable Lithopane! 3D Printer Model' is (stl,scad) file type, size is 440.2KB.


Make the perfect gift for Grandma! Upload any image and make your one-of-a-kind ornament for use with standard holiday light sets! How cool is that?
Note: If you are using words in your image, make sure to reverse the image before uploading so the letters are not backwards.
To you help print in different colors I made a plastic opacity test print. See instructions for more details.
NOTE- I have some detailed image prep notes in my instructable here:
also to help educate your friends and family, best I have found under 2 minute slightly amusing, simple & straight forward explanation of home 3D printing, (made by and for schools):

lithopane-test_opacity_3mm.4x4-pad1.3.stl 37.0KB
lithopane-test_opacity_3mm.stl 37.4KB
ornament-customizable-lithopane-mark1.0.scad 3.5KB
ornament-lithopane-gumbyguitar.stl 4.3MB