Original Series Phaser 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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Size:3.7 MB

The file 'Original Series Phaser 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 3.7 MB.


I wanted to build a Star Trek phaser model that could fit nicely on a 485 printer. This print is hollow, and is made with customization in mind. It also has a removable Hand Phaser Type I.

The following parts are print in place and will accommodate accessory electronics:
trigger_12 (for a momentary switch),
switch_13 (for a rotary switch or potentiometer),
phasertopparta_6 (two dials, a pushbutton, an LED + whatever you need to hold it in place)
mainbody_3 (for a potentiometer, ‘switch_13’, ‘trigger_12’)
They were modeled with the parts I had lying around in mind, so you might need to make adjustments for your own parts.

You will also need a couple of ballpoint pen springs(~.1” *.5”) to assemble the following parts:
I’ve included a diagram of how they fit together. This allows Hand Phaser Type I to be separated from Hand Phaser Type II.

Finally, there’s a square hole right above the muzzle. The prop needs a small tinted glass/plastic insert to go there.

I’ve included ‘resinpart_9’ for the muzzle insert(clear blue in the big picture) I’d recommend using it to make a mold and cast the part in clear resin. Or you can just print with clear 3D printing filament. Either way works.

Please note that Hand Phaser Type II has many print in place parts, most notably in mainbody_3. I’ve included ‘buttoncover_4’ to cover this part. You can see it in the first diagram in gold. It’s literally a button. The tolerance should be pretty high, but your mileage may vary.

Please leave feedback if you try it out for yourself, and I will continue to improve the models!

Update 1: The pinion cover was actually not properly made. So it has been remade.

Update 2: The pinion dovetailing was a cute idea that 3d printers hated. It should be stable enough with just the little pin that goes into the pinion cover. Pinion cover was not very structurally stable. Now it's more stable. The pins to mesh it with the phaser top are now bigger and hopefully stronger. The phaser top part A has had some work done to get greater clearance in the print in place button. Should be able to actually slide a pushbutton into place. Also the muzzle has been repaired after some weird glitch.

Update 3: Added some more files. A grate with bigger features because I realized my printer at least couldn't print the very tiny grate originally supplied. Made some dummy parts for the main body knob and the two knobs on the phaser part. These parts are definitely a work in progress but I cannot really find a good detailed photo yet so I made them based on what I could see.
