I have built several OpenSprinkler Pi irrigation control systems over the years. In the past, cases were made available but they are no longer. I believe most people choose the completed microcontroller version of OpenSprinkler instead of the Raspberry Pi version, but I like the additional capabilities of the Raspberry Pi.
The microcontroller version of the OpenSprinkler has a tiny LCD but I've seen others duplicate the display using a 20-character per line, 4-line LCD that is a bit bigger and connects using i2c. The software that makes the display work was written several years ago in Python but I have not seen anyone keeping the software valid through newer iterations of Python.
I am not a master designer but I tried my best, using OpenSCAD to design my enclosure. While the main design file is "OSPi.scad", there are other files that must be in the same directory if you wish to view/modify my original design. I linked two other SCAD files and included two SVGs of the OpenSprinkler logo. I could not figure out how to scale the graphics from within OpenSCAD, so I scaled the SVG for each use. One of the linked SCAD files is a module I have previously created that allows me to make melt-in threaded inserts in my design. All of the threaded inserts used in this design are M3xH5.7, or as I like to call them, M3-Long. I have a plethora of M3 hex socket head screws, so that is what I use for both mounting boards as well as securing the top to the bottom. To secure the OSPi circuit board and the 2004 LCD, I use M3x6mm, and the four screws that secure the top to the bottom are M3*16mm. These socketed screws are inset so that the heads are flush with the face of the display. For securing the base to the wall, I have to screw holes for #8 wall anchors; the heads are essentially flush with the surface of the base, although they wouldn't cause any issue if they were set proud of the surface.
The left side has an opening for the 24-volt AC power input, the lower side has an opening for the sensors, commons, 8-zones, and the expansion header. The right side has an opening providing access to the USB-A and Ethernet ports of the Raspberry Pi; I am using an older RPi 2B and use Ethernet to connect with my home network.
For printing, I printed using PLA and I printed the top of the enclosure face down.
This summary will likely be changing in the next few days as I have more time to document but I wanted to get it out and point it out to those that may be interested.
OSPi-BOTTOM.stl | 1.9MB | |
OSPi-TOP.stl | 2.0MB | |
OSPi.scad | 6.1KB | |
roundedcube.scad | 1.7KB | |
StudModules.scad | 17.6KB |