Based on srepmub's OpenSCAD train track library, with a few additions. I can now make pretty much any track layout I can imagine! This is pretty much why I bought a 3D printer. :-)
1) Improved SCAD file readability (renamed methods & variables)
2) Added some new tracks (triple track, double curve)
3) Added smaller radius turns (curved and straight track small)
4) Works with connector thing
bridge_track.stl | 374.5KB | |
crossing_track.stl | 159.3KB | |
curved_and_straight_track.stl | 629.6KB | |
curved_and_straight_track_small.stl | 814.1KB | |
curved_track.stl | 384.9KB | |
curved_track_small.stl | 385.6KB | |
double_curve_track.stl | 985.3KB | |
double_curve_track_small.stl | 1.3MB | |
parametric_tracks.scad | 20.0KB | |
srepmub_brio_v2_-_derived.scad | 19.7KB | |
straight_track.stl | 77.9KB | |
straight_track_f_f_adapter.stl | 77.9KB | |
straight_track_half.stl | 77.9KB | |
triple_track.stl | 984.7KB | |
triple_track_small.stl | 1.2MB |