I recently created a pavillion for OpenForge, and needed a sign for the outside. This is a general purpose sign, mounted in the ground with 2 posts. Available with paper or just as boards, and with an optional shingled roof to protect from the rain.
For instructions on how to get started with OpenForge, take a look at our tutorials.
OpenForge is a patron supported project, and the resources that patrons provide allow us to create more sophisticated tiles and models with a greater level of detail. We would truly appreciate your support to deliver an ongoing stream of awesome gaming terrain. You can find more about OpenForge and Masterwork Tools at our:
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Sign_-_Base.stl | 1.2MB | |
Sign_-_Board_-_Normal.stl | 1.3MB | |
Sign_-_Board_-_Papered.stl | 1.2MB | |
Sign_-_Roof.stl | 3.3MB |