Open Sans Bold Alphabet 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Open Sans Bold Alphabet 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 262.4KB.


This is just 3D version of the Open Sans Bold font. For graphics projects or for children to play.

Group_123456.stl 260.7KB
Group_7890-.stl 253.0KB
Group_ABCDE.stl 186.7KB
Group_FGHIJK.stl 115.5KB
Group_LMNOP.stl 150.0KB
Group_QRSTU.stl 218.1KB
Group_SYM_1.stl 321.8KB
Group_SYM_2.stl 201.8KB
Group_VWXYZ.stl 70.0KB
OpenSans_plate_0-9.stl 118.8KB
OpenSans_plate_A-P.stl 75.5KB
OpenSans_plate_Q-Z.stl 101.4KB