Old West Church 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Old West Church 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 179.2KB.


My rendition of an old west church.

Windows , doors roofs etc printed separately.

Designed in HO scale.. sort of, but I scaled to 60% for N-scale

Arched_Window_Frame.stl 24.3KB
Back_door.stl 3.0KB
base.stl 11.2KB
bell.stl 75.2KB
bell_tower.stl 68.4KB
cross.stl 2.2KB
front.stl 54.5KB
front_door.stl 28.0KB
old_church.stl 445.0KB
roof_1.stl 11.8KB
roof_2.stl 11.8KB
spire.stl 49.4KB
vest_roof.stl 11.8KB