Oculus Rift CV1 Prescription Lens Adapter With Removable Lenses 3D Printer Model

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I wanted to make it easier for me to show someone who doesn't have the same vision as me items on the Rift. This also allows me to switch from my prescription to my wife's prescription easily.

I took jegstad's design and thickened the outside frame and then removed and added tabs to the portion that holds the lenses. The lense now just pop into place using the tabs. This is based off the same Zenni Optical frames and lenses as jegstad's design, Frame #450021 http://www.zennioptical.com/450021-metal-alloy-full-rim-frame-with-spring-hinge.html

Note that the lenses are pretty loose when not in the main frame adapter so be aware of the top position of the lenses as you slide them into place. Once in you should be able to "dial" the top of the lense in if it moved off center.

Edit: I've added a 43mm version of the design for the 43mm version of the Zenni Optical round frames. http://www.zennioptical.com/550021-metal-alloy-full-rim-frame-with-spring-hinges.html . I've tried to increase the ease of popping the lenses in and out, so they should fit better without the need for sanding fresh off the printer. I prefer the 43mm size lens to the 40mm.

43mm-inserts.stl 107.7KB
43mm-Modulerlensadapters.stl 198.2KB
inserts.stl 108.3KB
Modulerlensadapters.stl 239.9KB