This is a case designed to contain an Arduino Mega & Ramps and a Raspberry Pi 1 B.
Tired of messy wires and boards I wanted to design my own case to contain it all plus a fan to refrigerate the stepper drivers!
I have uploaded the FreeCAD source file, in this way you can modify it to adjust it to your needs!
Arduino & Ramps board 3D models are from FreeCAD library.
Raspberry 3D model is from BJ GrabCAD user.
80mm Fan 3D model are from Abe Feldman GrabCAD user.
Designed with FreeCAD.
OctopiCase.fcstd | 13.3MB | |
OctopiCaseBot.stl | 207.1KB | |
OctopiCaseTop.stl | 288.2KB |