Nosebleed Plug Holder One Or Five With Cover Magnetic 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Nosebleed Plug Holder One Or Five With Cover Magnetic 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 227.8KB.


Some-Thing to hold nosebleed plugs (cotton rolls) or "roll your owns".
See pics for "roll your own" bathroom tissue sheet example.

Includes files for small, medium and large with caps (regular and long).
Also a five roll holder with wall mount version and cover files.
Medium works well for most uses.
Sized for a 10mm magnet.

nosebleed_plug_holder_cap_large.stl 24.9KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_cap_large_long.stl 24.9KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_cap_small_medium.stl 24.9KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_cap_small_medium_long.stl 24.9KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_five.stl 189.3KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_five_cover.stl 6.1KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_five_wallmount.stl 214.0KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_large.stl 58.7KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_large_magnet.stl 77.8KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_medium.stl 77.8KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_medium_magnet.stl 77.8KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_small.stl 59.6KB
nosebleed_plug_holder_small_magnet.stl 92.1KB